Wednesday, August 24, 2011


*NOTE: Typos were not corrected in this entry on purpose. Correct spelling/words were substituted later in parenthesis:.

This little laptop likes to convert websites from English to Spanish and my sleep-deprived man (mind) went searching for 'Engles' under lenguas instead of 'Ingles.' Yes, there's supposed to be an accent on Ingles but I'm too tired to imput (input) it.

What have we learned about the Lima airport?
It sells decent huevos revueltos.
It carries coka zero instead of coka lite.
I have too many bags.
Said bads (bgas) ((bags!)) draw attention of the shifty kind. Thank you again nameless passerby for reconfirming that that guy sitting in front of me was up to no good.
The Lima Starbucks passes out weird (but free!) cheese sandwiches.
My Spanish is worse than I thought ....but much can be accomplished by pointing and nodding.
Customs is nothing more than a game of red-light-green-light.

No pictures yet. I'll see if I can take a few from the air (I believe I snagged a window seat on this next flight- but I probably just agreed to sit with the lugae (luggage) in the bottom of the plane or something.)


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