Friday, August 19, 2011

This Just In

Mrs. Shelly,
The MTC (Peruvian Transport and communication ministry) has suspended temporarily all Peruvian airlines flights. 
Peruvian Airline is endorsing their passengers to other airlines.
Receive our apologies for this inconvenience, but this is a government decision."

Peruvian Airlines which was supposed to take me from Lima (capital city) to Iquitos (city near field station) has been shut down- apparently because they did not pass a recent safety inspection.
Not really a big deal as far as travel plans go, but I just thought I'd share this funny little pre-trip email..

Adam, if you're reading this- hi! Glad we got facebook to finally work and thanks for being such a great correspondence. I can see us having epic adventures at the Lima ticket counters at 4 am on the 22nd! Go us!

Taz trying out mom's old tent. Verdict?

Time for a new one.

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